UW-Extension Bio-Energy & Bio-Economy Team – The Bio-Energy and Bio-Economy Team provides training, resources, public education, and networking opportunities for Extension Specialists on the technical, environmental, social, and economic aspects of the emerging bioeconomy.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – The USDA is a research leader in everything from human nutrition to new crop technologies that allow us to grow more food and fiber using less water and pesticides; and helps ensure open markets for U.S. agricultural products and provides food aid to needy people overseas.
USDA Natural Disaster Assistance – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides many types of assistance to farmers and other rural residents, as the result of natural disasters such as drought, fire, flood, storm, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, and volcanic eruption. Also provides assistance to producers who suffer losses as a result of crop or livestock disease or pest infestation.
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP) – Inspects and licenses more than 100,000 businesses and individuals, analyze millions of laboratory samples, conduct hundreds of hearings and investigations, educate businesses and consumers about best practices, adopt rules that have the force of law, and promote Wisconsin agriculture at home and abroad. TheWisconsin Farm Center can also be found at this website. The Wisconsin Farm Center offers valuable resources for farmers and their families with programs such as farm mediation and arbitration, rural electric power services, financial counseling and analysis, career change counseling and information about training, Sowing the Seeds of Hope, and the Farm Link Program.
AgrAbility of Wisconsin – Farming is a way of life that values the family working together for a common goal. When a family member is affected by a severe disability, this way of life is challenged. Since 1991, AgrAbility of Wisconsin has been promoting success in agriculture for farmers with disabilities and their families. The Wisconsin AgrAbility website offers the Plowing Ahead Newsletters >>>
National AgrAbility Project – The National AgrAbility Project assists farmers, ranchers and farm workers with disabilities. It offers education and assistance on safe, affordable ways for people with disabilities who work in agriculture to maintain their businesses and rural lifestyles. View AgrAbility Quarterly newsletters >>>
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days – This three-day technology exposition showcases the latest improvements in production agriculture. Each year, it is held in a different Wisconsin county, on a different host family farm.
UW Center for Agricultural Safety & Health – Part of the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, the center responds to the agricultural safety and health needs of the farming community. Provides information on the Wisconsin Safe Operation of Tractor and Machinery Certification Program
UW-Extension Water Resources Education – UW-Extension provides information about water quality and natural resources education programs in Wisconsin. The UW-Extension is uniquely positioned to provide educational support for maintaining and protecting Wisconsin’s land and water resources.
Discovery Farms – The program takes a real-world approach to finding the most economical solutions to overcoming the challenges environmental regulations place on farmers.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) – Provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.
Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES) – Service provides publications and educational resources from 14 land grant universities in the northeast U.S.
Agricultural Online by Successful Farming – Provides farmers and other agriculturalists the opportunity to interact with each other, from the editors of Successful Farming magazine. Provides access to diverse business and production news, ideas and advice; the latest information on precision farming and ag computing as well as discussion groups devoted to machinery, weather, livestock and technology.
AgWeb – An electronic marketplace for farmers, ranchers, and growers, providing interactive information,commerce and a full array of tools and services that connect agricultural communities and agribusiness.
Hoard’s Dairyman – An online information resource for dairy farmers and anyone interested in the dairy industry.
Dairy Herd Management – Like their magazine, this site is full of information to help dairy producers excel in their business. Look for updated news, important links, and articles related to the US dairy industry.
National Water and Climate Center – A division of the NRCS, there mission is “To lead the development and transfer of water and climate information and technology which support natural resource conservation.”
WI-MN Extension Ag Weather – Provide access to a variety of environmental related measurements including weather (AWS, ASOS/AWOS, OPU reports), solar radiation, water evapotranspiration, crops, and fertilizer management.
The Old Farmers Almanac – Online version of America’s oldest source of weather, folklore, gardening and other information.
Midwest Dairy Business – Publishes six dairy related publications focusing on profitable dairy producers and breeders, also an integrated dairy media provider utilizing print, radio, internet, database divisions.
Agri-View – Provides the latest news on the agriculture industry throughout Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Radiological Emergency Information
If you live within a 50 mile radius of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant or the Kewaunee Power Station (which the Eastern part of Shawano County) this booklet should be of interest to you.
This booklet provides information for the agricultural community within a 50-mile radius of the Prairie Island, Kewaunee and Point Beach Nuclear Power Stations. It explains the actions which you may be advised to take in order to protect your livestock and crops in the event of a radiological emergency.
Radiological Emergency Booklet 2013
Adventures in Dairyland Teacher Resources
If you have any questions regarding Agriculture in Shawano County, please contact:

Scott Reuss, Crops & Soils Educator
UW-Extension Shawano County
Shawano County Courthouse
311 North Main Street, Room 109
Shawano, WI 54166
Phone: 715-526-6136
Fax: 715-526-4875

Stephanie Bowers, Dairy Educator
UW-Extension Shawano County
Shawano County Courthouse
311 North Main Street, Room 109
Shawano, WI 54166
Phone: 715-526-6136
Fax: 715-526-4875