Shawano County Department of Social Services
607 E. Elizabeth St., Shawano, WI 54166
715-526-4700 * Website
Individuals may apply in person at Shawano County Department of Social Services 607 E. Elizabeth Street, Shawano, by phone at 715-526-4700, or apply online to see if you might be eligible for BadgerCare Plus and other health and nutrition programs like FoodShare. Visit Click on the “Am I Eligible” Tool to see if you might be able to get benefits. Or, go right to the “Apply For Benefits” tool.
FoodShare Wisconsin was created to help stop hunger and to improve nutrition and health. It helps people with limited money buy the food they need for good health. For more information:
A Guide to Health Insurance and Worker’s Compensation Insurance for Farm Families
BadgerCare Plus for Children and Families
BadgerCare Plus is a program for children under 19 years of age and families in Wisconsin who need and want health insurance (up to 200% of the FPL, which is $36,620 for a family of three). BadgerCare Plus is for all kids, regardless of income, but it also offers access to comprehensive, affordable health care to many families and pregnant women in Wisconsin.
BadgerCare Plus is designed for people who do not currently have access to health insurance. It is not designed to replace private insurance. For that reason, we have established specific rules that do not allow most people to drop their private insurance to participate in BadgerCare Plus. For more information:
BadgerCare Plus Core Plan for Childless Adults
(800) 291-2002 Application Hotline
(There are waiting lists) Income-eligible adults who do not have dependent children may enroll in a limited BadgerCare plan that covers basic healthcare services, including primary and preventive care as well as generic drugs. NOTE: Residents may get on the waiting list only by calling the Application Hotline or by applying on the Access website.
Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP)
WHEAP provides assistance for heating costs, electric costs, and energy crisis situations. It is a one-time payment during the heating season (October 1-May 15). The funding pays a portion of the costs, but the payment is not intended to cover the entire heating or non-heating (electric) costs in a residence. The amount of the heating assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the household’s size, income, and heating costs. For more information
Wisconsin Works (W2) and Wisconsin Shares
The Wisconsin Works (W-2) program is available to parents of minor children whose family income is below 115% of the FPL. W-2 is based on work participation and personal responsibility. Wisconsin’s Child Care Subsidy program, Wisconsin Shares, (sometimes referred to as “W-2 Child Care”) helps families pay for child care. Information can be found at Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
SHARE: Self Help And Resource Exchange is a non-profit food buying club that offers products at reduced cost through a volunteer-run, community- based distribution (in Shawano, it is distributed at the First Presbyterian Church once per month).
Refer to for order forms and more information.
2-1-1: Community Information and Referrals, dial 2-1-1 or 888-328-1119, refer to or for online information.
If you have any questions regarding Agriculture in Shawano County, please contact:

Scott Reuss, Crops & Soils Educator
UW-Extension Shawano County
Shawano County Courthouse
311 North Main Street, Room 109
Shawano, WI 54166
Phone: 715-526-6136
Fax: 715-526-4875

Stephanie Bowers, Dairy Educator
UW-Extension Shawano County
Shawano County Courthouse
311 North Main Street, Room 109
Shawano, WI 54166
Phone: 715-526-6136
Fax: 715-526-4875